
Toddlers Room

Exploring Safely & Creatively. 

This routine is flexible and responsive to the children’s ideas, interests, and needs. All times provided are subject to change to meet children’s individual routine requirements within the Toddler environment. This routine may differ slightly due to changes in weather and ratios.

sunkids toddler

Ages: 12 months- 24 months

Toddlers RoomDaily Routine.

In our Toddlers Program, specifically designed for children aged 12 to 24 months, we understand that this age range still relies heavily on the care and support of our dedicated staff.

Our adaptable daily schedule is crafted to create a secure and nurturing setting where toddlers can freely discover and grow. Our program encompasses breakfast, outdoor adventures, group sessions, meal times, and opportunities for rest. Nappy changes and toileting are seamlessly integrated into our routine, placing a strong emphasis on your child’s safety, well-being, and developmental progress.

sunkids calamvale ocean discovery explore

Centre Open

The day commences with the centre opening its doors, gathering children in the Senior Room or Yard for initial activities and social interaction.


7:00 am

Offered Breakfast and Outdoor Experiences (Pending on Weather)

Children are provided with a wholesome breakfast and the opportunity for outdoor activities, contingent on weather conditions.

8:00 am

Nappy Change | Toileting

A scheduled time for diaper changes and toileting to maintain cleanliness and comfort.

sunkids toddler
sunkids kitchen nutritional food healthy growth

9:00 am

Morning Tea

A morning snack break to re-energize and refuel.


9:30 am

Programmed Indoor/Outdoor Play

Structured and impromptu outdoor activities that encourage exploration and learning.

10:15 am

Nappy Changing Time

Another scheduled diaper changes to maintain cleanliness and comfort.

Sunkids outdoor experiences
toddlers sunkids wash hands

10:30 am

Group Time Transition | Wash Hands

Transition into group activities, preceded by handwashing to promote cleanliness.


11:00 am

Lunch Period Shared in the Piazza:

A shared lunchtime experience in the piazza, promoting social interaction.

11:30 pm

Create Milk Bottles (If Any) and Check Nappies Before Rest Period

Preparation of milk bottles (if required) and a diaper check before the rest period.

sunkids lunch morning tea teatime afternoon tea
sunkids activities<br />

12:00 pm unitl 2:00 pm

Rest Time (Quiet Activities for Children Who Are Awake)

Children have the option to rest or engage in quiet activities for those who remain awake.


1:30 pm

Nappy Change | Toileting

A scheduled diaper change and toileting session to maintain comfort.

2:00 pm

Afternoon Teatime

An afternoon snack break to satisfy hunger.

sunkids lunch morning tea teatime afternoon tea
sunkids quiet time

2:30 pm

Apply Sunscreen, Hats & Shoes On

Preparation for outdoor play, including sunscreen application, wearing hats, and suitable shoes.

3:00 pm

Spontaneous Outdoor Play (Weather-Dependent)

Impromptu outdoor playtime, dependent on prevailing weather conditions.

3:30 pm

Nappy Change | Toileting & Re-Apply Sunscreen

Preparation for outdoor play, including sunscreen application, wearing hats, and suitable shoes.

4:30 pm

Pack Away the Outdoor Environments

The conclusion of outdoor play, with a focus on tidying up outdoor areas.

sunkids outdoor play<br />
sunkids outdoor playground area our environment

5:00 pm

Combine Indoors and Late Afternoon Snacks

Children transition indoors and are provided with a late afternoon snack.

5:30 pm

Nappy Change | Toileting

A final diaper change and toileting session.

Discover More.

Our child-centred curriculum is individualised to suit your child’s needs as they grow throughout their early learning journey.

Nursery 6 weeks -12 months

Following your home routine, our Nursery Room caters to the needs of your child to nurture them as they develop their first basic skills.

Junior Kindy 24 - 36 months

In our Junior Kindy Room, your child will thrive in a nurturing space, engaging in activities that bolster growth, independence, and self-confidence.


Senior Kindy 36 - 48 months

In our Senior Kindy Room, we mix structured tasks with play, group time, meals, and rest. We foster independence and assist with toileting for comfort.

Kindergarten 48 months +

In our Kindergarten room, your child gains academic readiness, social skills, and confidence for a smooth school transition, honoring individual needs.

Find Your Sunkids.