Relaxed Activity Level Requirements – How to access 100 hours of CCS

Jul 1, 2020 | Industry News

The Australian Government have temporarily relaxed the activity level requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS), meaning some families are now eligible for up to 100 hours of subsidised care each fortnight.

The relaxed Activity Level Requirements are only available between July 13 and October 4, 2020.

What are Activity Levels?

Activity Levels refer to one component of how your Child Care Subsidy is calculated. It refers to the amount of work-related activity you and your partner do each fortnight and equates to the number of hours of subsidised care you can receive each fortnight.

If you have a partner, Centrelink uses the lower of you or your partner’s activity level to work out your hours of subsidised care.

The current calculation for Activity Levels is…

Less than 8 hours of activity per fortnight = 0 hours if you earn above $68,163, 24 hours if you earn $68163 or below)

8+ to 16 hours = 36 hours subsidised care

16+ to 48 hours = 72 hours subsidised care

More than 48 hours = 100 hours subsidised care

Learn more about Activity Levels & Subsidy Calculations here.

Relaxed Activity Level Requirements.

Families who have had their hours of activity reduced as a result of COVID-19, will be able to advise Centrelink they meet the requirements to access 100 hours of subsidised child care per fortnight, for up to 12 weeks (Until 4 October 2020).

This means that families who were once only able to access 72 hours of care each fortnight, could access 100 hours of care each fortnight.

The Relaxed Activity Levels only applies to those families where…

1. all partners had an activity test result of more than zero before the COVID-19 crisis,

2. either partner can no longer engage in the same number of hours of activity as they did before the COVID-19 crisis, and

3. one or both parents are still engaging in at least 8 hours of activity per fortnight.

Otherwise, the existing requirement remains where the hours of subsidised care the partner/couple is entitled to is determined by the person with the lowest number of hours of activity per fortnight.

How do you apply for this?

Families will need to apply to Services Australia via their Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Examples of eligibility.

Example 1) Reduction in activity…

Prior to COVID-19, a single person worked 30 hours per fortnight, entitling them to 72 hours per fortnight of subsidised care. Now this person works 15 hours per fortnight which would usually entitle them to 36 hours of care per fortnight.
This person can now apply to Services Australia and be entitled to 100 hours of subsided care per fortnight.

Example 2) No change in activity…

Prior to COVID-19, a single person worked 48 hours per fortnight, entitling them to 72 hours per fortnight of subsidised care. This person now continues to work the same 48 hours per fortnight.

This person is not eligible for 100 hours of care and will continue to receive their normal 72 hours of subsided care.

Need more information about Child Care Subsidy?

Sunkids have developed a Child Care Subsidy info hub which contains all you need to know about the Child Care Subsidy. Access it by clicking here.

You can also find further information about CCS by visiting or