DIY Homemade Disinfectant Wipes

Mar 24, 2020 | Tips & Advice

Yesterday we shared our tips on how to make your own hand sanitiser (if you missed it you can check it out here) and today we’ve continued to assist all families out there by putting together a simple and effective recipe on how you can make your own disinfectant wipes.

Cleaning supplies are becoming increasingly harder to come by, and if you’re in a bind and unable to source any from the shops, this recipe will be able to tide you over.

Disinfecting Surfaces

To protect you and your family, it’s important to regularly clean and disinfect your home. Especially all of the regularly touched surfaces withing your house – toys, doorknobs and handles, light switches, table surfaces, counters, taps, toilet seats and handles, remote controls, game controllers, phones, etc.

It is recommended that we clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in our home as least once a day. In the event that you or a family member is unwell, we will need to increase the amount of cleaning and disinfecting we do throughout the day.

DIY Homemade Disinfectant Wipes Recipe


  • 2 cups of warm water
  • 1 cup of rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) 90% or greater strength – Ethanol or Methylated Spirits could also be used
  • 1 tablespoon of dish soap
  • 1 roll of paper towel


Mix all ingredients in a clean bowl, stir to combine.

Place the paper towel within a Tupperware container that just fits them, and then pour mixture over the paper towels.

Cover the container and allow paper towels to soak up the liquid.

Additional Notes

If you can’t find a container that fits a whole paper towel roll, tear off individual sheets and lay flat in a container.

Essential oils can also be added to the mixture to give the wipes an amazing scent. Add in 10 drops of any oil you like, such as lemon or tea tree.

Do not use these wipes on human skin or as baby wipes.

This may not be suitable for all surface types.

It is very important to ensure the individual ingredients used, the mixture you make and the finished wipes, remain out of reach of children at all times.

Remember, we’re here to help.

As we all learn to cope with the current Coronavirus pandemic, Sunkids would like to remind all within our greater community that we’re here to help you. We’ll continue to do all we can to assist our families, children and staff throughout this difficult and uncertain time, and continue to share helpful advice along the way.

Further information regarding Coronavirus

For additional information regarding Novel Coronavirus (COID-19), we encourage you to only visit trusted sources.

Queensland Department of Health –

Australian Government Department of Health –

You can also call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

If you have concerns about your or your child’s health, speak to your doctor. If you are displaying symptoms of Coronavirus, call ahead first.

If you are having a medical emergency, please call 000